Lessons Learned: Reflections on a Year of Homeschooling
After a year of homeschooling, I've learned a lot of valuable lessons that have helped me become a better homeschooling parent. I've discovered that it's okay to deviate from my plans, and that some days are amazing while others are challenging. I've also learned that learning is a lifelong process, and that my children have taught me a great deal about patience and kindness.
It's okay to stray from your plans

That's the beauty of homeschooling! Homeschooling is different from traditional schooling in that you can customize it to fit your family's needs. If something isn't working, you can change it. Nothing has to be set in stone.
If your child is struggling with a lesson or topic, and you notice she is becoming frustrated, stop the lesson or change the topic, and reflect on what could be causing an issue and what you can do to fix it. Although it may be tempting to check boxes off your plans, I promise that allowing your child to explore her interests will lead to a much more engaged and motivated learner.
This was a particularly difficult lesson for me to learn because I feel fulfilled when my tasks are completed. I like to see that I finished my plans and my boxes are checked off; however, what good is that doing for my child if she isn't completely absorbing the information or happy with what she is learning? By allowing my daughter to explore her interests and work at her own pace, she will be more engaged with the information and is more motivated to learn.
Some days will be amazing while some will be challenging

Homeschooling changes with your season of life. In this season of my life, I'm teaching my five year old while also nursing a very energetic one year old. I never imagined I would be teaching a reading lesson while simultaneously breastfeeding a toddler standing up on my lap. But it is just the season of life that I'm in and to be honest, I love it.
I have the honor of getting to know my children's individual personalities. I love seeing them blossom and learn new things. It's a privilege to be able to recognize how they learn and what they enjoy. I get a front row seat to their education and it is beautiful. However, some days we just have to go with the flow and see where it takes us. Many days our math lessons happen while we bake or cook together. Other days, reading occurs while putting my toddler down for his afternoon nap. Whatever way, it's what works for us and that is OK.
Learning is a lifelong process

The journey of homeschooling is a learning experience for all of us. Being a homeschool parent, we spend the majority of our days with our children. I can't explain the amount of times my children have taught me about patience and kindness. Their innocence is heart-warming and allows me to see the beauty in the little things.
Not only am I learning from my children but many times, I am learning with my children, and to me that is incredibly special. Through reading new books and taking on adventures to various places, I have learned so much more than I thought I could.
Recently, we took a field trip to our local hands-on aquarium and were given the opportunity to feed iguanas. Here we learned that iguanas have not two but three eyes. Although their third eye is covered with a thin layer of skin, it helps them identify light and heat. Never, in my entire thirty-two years on Earth have I known that iguanas have a third eye. Learning this alongside my child has created a learning relationship that I am absolutely here for.
If you're just starting out on your homeschooling journey, or if you feel like you're all alone, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you succeed, and there are many other homeschooling parents who have come before you.